
The mission of the WestWind Foundation is to fight climate change and improve access to reproductive health care.

WestWind works to achieve its goals by making grants that:

  • Promote efforts to combat climate change and curtail the use of fossil fuels, while promoting a clean energy future; and
  • Improve access to reproductive health services, with a special emphasis on adolescent development.

Photo by Emily Richardson-Lorente

About WestWind Foundation

Founded in 1987, WestWind’s two major program areas have focused on making the world a healthier and more sustainable place to live. WestWind provides support to organizations that protect the quality of life on Earth for future generations by awarding grants to effectively managed organizations that further the protection of the environment or improve access to reproductive health care. The foundation has a particular interest in organizations that are working to promote reproductive health and rights in the Latin America and Caribbean region as the foundation was formed with the sale of a company that became the Latin America-Caribbean region of FedEx.

Currently, the foundation’s Environment Program and its Reproductive Health and Rights Program provide grants to more than 50 non-governmental organizations worldwide. WestWind’s Environment Program awards grants to NGOs whose work impacts the global environment with an emphasis on climate change.

The Reproductive Health and Rights Program awards grants to over 20 non-governmental organizations worldwide with a focus on access, advocacy and youth engagement around family planning.

The foundation also provides a number of discretionary grants through its Building Better Communities Program. These grants are awarded at the sole discretion of the Trustees and typically support community organizations. The foundation does not accept inquiries regarding these funds.