Grant FAQs

Questions frequently posed to foundation staff

Eligibility & Type of Support

How do I determine if my organization is eligible to receive WestWind funding?

Please read through the pages that describe WestWind’s Environment and Reproductive Health and Rights Program. If your organization is working on the issues and problems that WestWind is concerned about, and your organization has non-profit status according to the IRS, then you are eligible to submit a letter of inquiry. 

What types of support does WestWind provide?

WestWind provides both general support and project support grants. Typically, WestWind does not provide funding for capital campaigns, endowments, or bricks and mortar projects.

Letters of Inquiry

Who can submit a letter of inquiry to WestWind?

Any environmental or reproductive health organization can submit a letter of inquiry to WestWind as long as the NGO has its 501(c)(3) IRS determination letter. Please see WestWind’s list of recent grants to see the types of organizations that WestWind supports. Please note that the Building Better Communities Program is a discretionary program of the Foundation’s Trustees and that Letters of Inquiry for this program are not accepted.

What type of information does WestWind require in a letter of inquiry?

In addition to relevant contact information, a LOI must include:

  • Purpose and history of organization;
  • Goals and objectives of program or project;
  • Current status of project, including date the project was established and the anticipated duration;
  • Description how the organization will use the funds to further its objectives;
  • Organization’s annual budget;
  • Copy of the organization’s IRS exemption letter.


Does WestWind accept unsolicited proposals?
My organization is a current WestWind grantee. We would like to submit a proposal to WestWind for consideration in the upcoming grant cycle. May we submit a proposal?


When will my organization hear back from WestWind about our proposal?

Report and proposal deadlines are listed on the foundation’s Grant Deadlines page. Organizations that have been invited to submit a proposal will typically hear back from the foundation within 2 to 3 months after their proposal has been submitted.

Does WestWind require an interim report?

Yes. WestWind does require an interim report. The report is due the same date that proposals are due to the foundation. Check here for deadlines. Foundation staff use the report as a means to evaluate the NGO. This evaluation is reviewed when Trustees are making their decisions regarding the next year’s grants. (For example, a report for a grant issued in December 2017 is due in late 2018. This report is reviewed by the Trustees and is considered when the Board makes their decisions regarding 2018 grants.) Since technically the report covers 9 months of the year, the report is considered an interim report by the foundation.

I was not able to complete an online application. Can I send my materials to WestWind?

No. WestWind will only accept inquiries and proposals that have been submitted electronically.


When is the deadline for WestWind’s Environment Program?

Please see grant deadlines for proposal deadlines.

When is the deadline for WestWind’s Reproductive Health and Rights Program?

Please see grant deadlines for proposal deadlines.

My organization received a grant from WestWind last year, when is the report due?

Please see grant deadlines for specific deadlines, or contact the foundation if you have any questions regarding your reporting deadline.